L77 X W52 X H107 cm
L115 X W40 X H39.5 cm (折疊)
重量:約 9.8 kg
3秒收合作 操作簡易
傘車式設計 體積輕巧 慳位易收藏
● 前座位後座位均可三段調節
● 後排座椅適合從6個月至15kg,可後靠至約130度
● 前座6個月以上至15kg,椅背及腳背均有2段調節
● 前座可安裝嬰兒提籃式車座椅
● 5點式安全帶
● 附設視窗的抗UV可拆式太陽蓬
● 輕巧傘車式結構
● Light weight 鋁合金車架
● 鋼線一觸式連動雙剎車
● 前輪360度水平轉向並可直行定向
● 後輪一腳雙剎車 18CM四輪雙輪避震穩定
● 下方配有大型置物籃
● 符合ASTM和F833及CPSIA認證
※ 附送使用說明書,贈雨罩、杯架
Unfolded L77 X W52 X H107 cm
Folded L115 X W40 X H39.5 cm
Weight 9.8k
Rear seat is suitable from 6+ months to 15kg. Reclines 130 Degrees.
Front seat suitable from 6+ months to 15kg with 2 position leg rest.
Car seat compatible with most international car seat model. Please note, only usable with 1 infant car seat.
Built in car seat adaptor straps. No need to purchase additional accessories!
Removable canopy with 2 viewing windows.
Compact umbrella fold.
Lightweight aluminum frame.
One touch double brakes.
Front wheels swivel or fix.
Front and rear suspension
Certified ASTM F833 and CPSIA Compliant.
※ Includes rain cover and removable cup holder.