美國品牌Kinderwagon, 來自美國飛行員夫婦為他們的寶寶的傾心設計! 產品最大化結合了輕便、實用、堅固耐用的特點。 比小型嬰兒車擁有更大的座位空間、更堅固的鋁合金車身。 600D高檔環保牛津布,耐麿易清潔。 通過美國ASTM-F833質量安全標準,並符合日本和台灣經濟部標準檢驗局國家檢驗標準, 全部採用美國嬰兒車級別環保材料。
They say necessity is the mother of all invention, and it's never more true than when your search for just the right toy, outfit, or stroller just isn't available for your child. With nothing that quite met all our expectations for quality, comfort, and convenience on the market, we began developing designs of our own. That's when Kinderwagon was born.
Most people wouldn't consider compromising the safety, comfort, and drive of their cars so why skimp on a stroller? At Kinderwagon, our goal is to provide a comfortable and engaging ride for babies and a no-nonsense driving experience for parents. After all, your stroller is baby's first vehicle; why not set the bar high?
With three children of our own, we know that cutting corners on safety or quality is something we will never do. We have applied our creativity and capabilities not just on choosing the most fun fabrics but on developing a system that's friendly to parents and comfortable and safe for children and babies. How safe? How comfortable? Ask our twins, Fletcher and Gretchen. They ride in our Kinderwagon Hop stroller every day.

Ready to order? Contact us!
Tel: 852-9849-0425
Email: kinderwagonhk@gmail.com